About Julian? Really? You sure? He’d much rather talk about you.


Julian Edward Williams is a Brooklyn, NY-based, Buffalo, NY-born self-taught artist, producer, writer, and person.

These works came about as a way to cope through the COVID-19 Pandemic. They’re now the most clear sense of expression he can think of.

His focus will always remain the raw aspects of concepts and ideas. Good and bad, high and low. Actual life, images, and things do not interest him. He cannot draw you a garden; he can draw you what a garden might make you feel.

Texture is an important part of his work. Something more than a painting; something that raises up and tries to actually touch and speak to you. That’s the goal, hopefully.

Not everyone is trying to speak to everyone. He thinks that’s OK.

****Pieces can be sold or commissioned by contacting him below OR Contact through his Instagram @IGNRNT_art.****